Name that virus

Last Sunday I had a headache during the day. I took medicine, napped some and then took NHL to a birthday party. When we got home I really felt lousy and took my temperature. It was elevated for me. I took some ibuprofen and went to bed. During the night I woke up with chills, body aches and the headache was still there. I knew this was not a good sign. Needless to say since I was sick, I drank and ate a little over Yom Kippur. The boys stayed home with me as my temperature started to climb and JL went to temple.

Tuesday I felt a lot better. I did laundry (sheets had to be washed from fever breaking several times) and in the afternoon took NHL to the dentist. That night I had a mild headache, but nothing too bad. My temperature was down quite a bit. Wednesday I took it easy in the morning. In the afternoon, I brought JSL to my Aunt’s house to stay with her and my grandmother. NHL had an eye doctor’s appointment that would take at least an hour and a half and I did not want to have the little guy tag along. I made a large mistake before going to that appointment. I did not take iboprofen. By the time I was home that night I felt wiped.

Thursday morning I took it easy again and that night felt well enough to go to open house at NHL’s school. We did not stay long and I kept my distance from everyone. Friday was not a good day at all. My fever kept climbing to 101 when it is normally just about 98 on our thermometer. I had chills, aches and to add to the mix a cough joined the party.

When I talked to my doctor’s office earlier in the week about the flu shot for JSL, I asked the nurse about my symptoms. She said so many people were sick right and it was likely a virus. She agreed that there was no need to be seen. During the night I tossed and turned. At 4:00 I woke up with a horrible coughing fit. I could feel a slight trickle down the back of my throat and it was driving me batty. I took something to try to help it and sat on the couch watching Roku for three hours. By the time the boys woke up I had a pounding headache. The coughing, fever and lack of sleep caught up with me.

I tried to nap as much as I could today, but it did not come easily with the noisy boys, cough and headache. Tonight, the cough is back and although I feel like all of the energy in my body is zapped…the fever has not spiked YET.

My theory is that I picked something up in the ER when we were there last Friday. Everyone looked like I feel and they were coughing, wheezing and some had masks on while others did not. My family guesses that this may be the Flu, possibly H1N1, but we are not sure. Now my biggest fear is passing it along to the rest of our family no matter what it is. Fevers scare me with the febrile seizure history.

So, please excuse me if I am not here as much for a little while. I will be taking a little more me time this weekend  to try to mend a very sick me. If I am not much improved, or the coughing get worse I will be taking myself to the doctor on Monday to get check since it will be a week with whatever virus has taken over my body.




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  • Oh that sounds so terrible. I had a nasty virus this past Spring when H1N1 first started making the rounds. I think I would have been happier with H1N1 vs. what I had. I don’t remember if I had fever but I was tired, congested, and had a wicked cough that blew a blood vessel in my eye. Talk about looking attractive – NOT!

    Hope you feel better soon. Might be time to go to the doctor. I hate when they blow it off as nothing.
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