Off to first grade

This morning NHL officially started first grade. He was up at 5:30 thanks to being anxious about the start of school. I tried to explain to him that even when I was a teacher, I got nervous on the first day of school. We talked with him about things and soon it was time to head out the door. Everyone brought NHL to school today. Once we were all dressed and ready we went out the door. Here is NHL all ready for first grade. 

Heading out of the house

Heading toward the car NHL mentioned that he was really scared. JL went to walk and talk with him some as they got into the car. 

Going to the car with Daddy

Once we arrived over by school and parked everyone got out of the car. This is when NHL decided that it would be best to walk super slow. He also requested a trip back to Disney World on the slow trek in. We eventually got him to walk faster along with Daddy and JSL. 

The boys walked into school together

When we got into school NHL really held onto my hand. The noise level, all of the excitement, the new place to meet for first graders and all of the kids/parents/teachers was a little overwhelming. I can not say I blame him. I caught myself trying to stop tears a few times.

Looking a little worried

Soon after this, NHL’s teacher came over to say hello and introduce herself to all of us. I took a minute to let her know that NHL would not be taking the bus that afternoon. At that point the district had never sent us bus information, so I had to make a call. NHL was a little more at ease at this point. When his teacher called all of the children to line up NHL followed along into the line. 

Ready to go to classroom

We watched and waited as the class slowly walked out and toward their classroom. Poor JSL started to sulk at this point as he saw his big brother leave.

Here is to hoping for a great day and year in the first grade. We all hope that this year and new teacher will be just what everyone, especially NHL, needs.

So how was your back to school so far?


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  • RobMonroe says:


    Our back to school is a bit funny – mom and toddler-daughter went back at the same time. A ton of transition all packed into one day. Hope the end of the day is filled with excitement and elation and fun stories, all around!
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..I Like You, However =-.

  • Michelle says:

    I feel a little teary myself seeing him so grown up and attending 1st grade. Unbelievable?!?!?! Where did the time fly?

  • Oh wow!! Ya know I think today – day two – was harder than yesterday. Today it was real. Today it was the start of forever. He did well yesterday. Although the night before the first day he had a horrible time getting to sleep and then even when he did he woke up at 4:30 am and came running and screaming into our room. He jumped on me and held on with a death grip. I had to fight every fiber in my being to take him that first day. But it went okay so far. I am still scared they will accidentally put him on a bus or something but he knows to tell them no and since the bus kids go out the same door the walkers do I suppose I shouldn’t worry because I will see him… Okay this is getting too long. COngrats to NHL on starting first grade.
    .-= Upstatemomof3´s last blog ..What Can You Do At The NYS Fair =-.

  • I was never an early riser on that first day of school. I actually would be so nervous/anxious that I would toss and turn all night and kick the wall. It would drive my parents nuts.

    He looks nervous but very cute in those photos. I hope he had a good day and made some new friends while at school.
    .-= Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries´s last blog ..Would you rent an apartment with a ghost? =-.