Night of the Tooth Fairy

Can you hear the party music going over here? We are having a party here because NHL finally lost his first tooth. This little booger has been wiggling since NHL bit into corn on the cob back on July 3. We sat back for quite some time and encouraged him to wiggle it and work on it. Then on August 12th we noticed that his new tooth was coming in behind the baby one. Hubby and I were quite nervous, especially as it moved up quickly.

A week ago, we really started working with NHL to loosen the tooth (he even got a note from the Tooth Fairy for encouragement). Monday, I called the dentist and explained how I was worried about things and we made an appointment for Thursday. Tuesday night, JL sat on the couch with gauze and really worked that tooth. They felt a pop and the tooth was barely holding on. Unfortunately, NHL was upset over the blood and his gums bothering him.

Today (typing this on Thursday), we went to the dentist. I was fully expecting the worst. Much to my surprise, the dentist told both of us that his gums are probably really sensitive and we should numb them up to really get a good wiggle. She put some on his gums and barely touched it and the pesky tooth popped out of his mouth! Clearly, the Wiggle Tooth Olympics of the last two nights that brought much crying and screaming had worked that tooth to the point of surrender. We also learned that we will be purchasing some gum numbing gel for the next tooth which we can also see is about to cut.

Can you tell NHL is excited about the Tooth Fairy coming? Oh, and this is the pesky tooth that wanted to hold on for dear life.

Excited that the tooth is gone The pesky tooth

Here is my big kid all ready for the Tooth Fairy tonight:

All ready for the Tooth Fairy

So my question for this week is inspired by the recent events:

Do you remember how you lost your first tooth? I would love to hear the stories and I’m sure NHL would too!



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #63

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  • Vicki says:

    I have no idea!! When our kids got loose teeth, my husband would pull them out by wrapping floss around them and yanking quick and hard. The tooth would go flying before the kid even knew he was going to do it. No pain!!!

  • Swoozie says:

    Gosh…..I don’t remember my first tooth that fell out! Although I do remember that I loved the idea of the Tooth Fairy coming to my house!

  • Michelle says:

    I don’t remember my first tooth specifically, but when we were kids my mom made a special pillow case that had a little pocket that we put our tooth in. When we woke up the tooth was gone and the tooth fairy had left a quarter. I have that very same pillow case now that my kids use.

  • Mika says:

    I remember it so, so well. In the middle of the night, sometime the month before my 7th birthday, I was lying awake and thought my tooth was wiggling. I convinced myself it couldn’t be loose because (I love this logic) – “You can’t get a loose tooth during the night.” It just seemed like such a daytime occurrence! I don’t remember how long it took to get really loose, but in the end my dad yanked it out. I am so glad that’s a dad job!

  • I had no idea how i lost the first one.. but i can give you a whole book about how i took out my wisdom ones a couple of months ago:P painful story :(

    Anyway..happy Friday!

    Stopping by from An Island Life!

  • Sarah says:

    I was 3 or 4 and my older brother was pulling my around in circles in our Radio Flyer – so fast that it tipped over, I landed on my tooth. Knocked it out BUT I ended up having an extra baby tooth there so it grew in and I lost it again :)

  • Dee says:

    Don’t remember!

  • Kari says:

    I don’t remember actually losing my first tooth. But, I do remember that my grandpa was often the one who would pull my teeth. I was a big wimp and would leave them until they were barely hanging.

    Happy Friday

  • Auntie E says:

    I have no idea. hey that was over 50 years ago,lol. it’s amazing I can remember my first boyfriend,lol. wish I had a photo of it, then I might have remembered.
    My Blog link in my name

  • Jennifer says:

    No, that was a long, long time ago. Sorry!

  • Buffie says:

    Sorry, I don’t remember how I lost any of my teeth when I was younger. And my daughter is too young still for that.

  • Stefany says:

    So cute!

    I do not remember how I lost my first tooth. I do remember that losing teeth was so traumatic for me. I hated it!

  • Harriet says:

    That was like a million years ago. Sorry.
    Have a great Friday!

  • Audrey says:

    Not only do I not remember my own loss of teeth, I don’t remember the first teeth my daughters lost either. Just too long ago.

  • Elle says:

    I honestly don’t remember. One of our daughters had her first loose tooth and she was eating, the tooth came out and she swallowed it! LOL! We left nore for the Tooth Fairy and she still left the money.

    Good job on losing that first tooth!

  • shelly says:

    Wow, I don’t remember how I lost it. But I do remember my mom kept my baby teeth in this little container. Kinda grossed me out lol

  • Jessica says:

    Pretty sure my older brother kicked it out of my mouth when we were wrestling around lol

  • blueviolet says:

    That would be such a cool thing to remember but I don’t!

  • Becca says:

    It’s too long ago to really remember but I think with most of my teeth, we just wiggled them right out.

  • Sorry, it’s been too long ago. I have no idea.

  • Smellyann says:

    I lost my first tooth in class in 2nd grade, biting into an apple! That was when I was 7, and I’ll be 33 next week, so it’s a strong memory!