Message from the Tooth Fairy

I wanted to share a note that NHL received last night from the Tooth Fairy. This is the letter that he found when he woke up this morning: 

Cheering letter from Tooth Fairy to NHL

He was quite excited to have something on his bed when he woke up. Mind you, he did not find it on his own. Daddy went into his room and came running to NHL to mention it. Of course, once he saw the tooth on the outside he guessed who it was from. 

Note and the sleeping boy

We are hoping that this note, along with some fun games that JL made up, will help to get this tooth out. The new adult tooth is already well on it’s way up behind the stubborn baby. Another call to the dentist office will take place Monday morning from a paranoid parent. In the mean time we have been trying to work on the tooth. Last night NHL was playing Mario Kart Wii and each time he lost JL got to wiggle for 10 seconds. Thank goodness NHL is not too great at Mario Kart, so a lot of wiggling took place. Today the tooth is really moving and even side to side.

Later today more Wiggle Tooth Olympics will commence!



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