Summer days 2009

Although many parts of the country are already on summer vacation, NHL has school until the end of next week. Monday and Tuesday are full days, then two half days after that. It is still hard for me to believe that my big boy is going to "graduate" from kindergarten on Monday. I can not believe that I will be the Mommy of a first grader in the fall. It seems like it  was only yesterday when we  took photos of NHL on his first day and now the year is almost over (photo below).


Smiling to make Daddy happy

Recently, I have been trying to figure out activities to do with the boys this summer. We just received information about a summer camp in August that would be fabulous for NHL. They have several different programs that we can pick from for each of the week long sessions. Some have to do with Dinosaurs, Insects and even math fun. We are trying to figure out how to swing at least one session for him.

The boys and I will also participate in the reading program with the local library. NHL did this last year and really enjoyed it. Other than that, the two little guys and I will be entertaining each other for the long haul. NHL will be 6 this summer and JSL was just 2. They love to play together, but the age difference does hinder some things since JSL still needs his naps.

So my question for you this week:

What are some ideas of things to do with my boys this summer? Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #53

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