A kindergarten farewell poem

Monday morning NHL had his kindgarten graduation. The kids (and teachers of course) did a fabulous job. They sang several songs, read a class poem and then it was time for the class gifts and certificates.

I must admit that I have heard this poem before thanks to being a teacher, but it really hit when my own child was receiving it. Each child was handed a sand pail with the following poem attached and the items included. Here is the poem:


In this bag you will find some things

That hold the key to what your future brings

It is with great sadness that I watch you depart

Because you have a special place in my heart.

A ruler to remind you that there are always rules to follow

Kisses to remind you that you are loved

A pencil to remind you that there are still many things to learn

A marker to remind you to leave a good mark wherever you go

A penny to remind you to use good sense

An eraser to remind you that it’s all right to make mistakes

Bye-bye Kindergarten Kid


1. Getting kindergarten certificate, 2. Happy kindergarten kid, 3. Almost a first grader, 4. Kindergarten poem 

Today marked the last day of kindergarten for NHL. He is now officially on summer vacation and going to be a first grader in the fall. I am going to miss my kindergarten kid, but look forward to a fun summer with my big boy before he starts a new adventure in learning.



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