Feeling the burn from EA Sports Active

Last night JL and I finally took the plunge. My breathing was good enough from the new medicine, so we broke out the EA Sports Active for our Nintendo Wii. Both of us were quite intrigued since we have not heard a bad review for it yet. Before we left for Disney World we pre-ordered it and were surprised to find it had arrived at our house before the scheduled release date. 

EA Sports Active

I was the one that "plugged" in, while JL worked out along side me. The workout for beginners was about 25 minutes long. It encorporated walking, running, toning along with the dreaded lunges and squats. What I really liked was that the "trainer" was personable and did not loop the same phrases like the WiiFit does. That looping of compliments and motivational phrases drove me bonkers with the WiiFit and quickly made me stop using it. The leg pouch fit nicely around my thigh and really seemed to register my movements with the Wii.

Half way through the work out I really was feeling my muscles burning. Of course, leave it to JL to mention that I also had sweat pouring down my back and face. Lovely, but I knew I was really getting a good workout. During the time it registered that I burned 153 calories and kept track on my journal for the goals. All I had to do was follow the easy instructions before each exercise and figure our where to wear/hold the WiiMote and nunchuk.

JL and I were so impressed that we went out to get another EA Sports Active accessory kit. This way we can both workout together while keeping track of things on the Wii. Of course, when we went out I was still feeling the burn. Walking and especially climbing strairs is tough today. The muscles in my upper thighs are feeling the pain today. Of course, I love this since I know it is a good type of burn from using the muscles and working them out. I would often feel this when I use the third mile of Leslie Sansone’s 5 Day Slim Down mile three that concentrated on legs with squats and lunges.

Another neat feature with the program is you can participate in the 30 day challenge. The first challenge just ended and a lot of the people did amazing. One participant included Alison Sweeney, the host of The Biggest Loser. She used the program to get back into shape after having her second child. Starting tomorrow there is a new June challenge. JL and I may try this since it looks like a great option. Of course, I still plan on wearing my pedometer and power walking with Leslie Sansone.

Happy exercing all!


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  • Debi Condon says:

    Great job Beth! I have wanted to purchase this but wanted to read the reviews first. I might just have to go buy it tomorrow!

    Keep it up!

  • phyllis says:

    wow – great review – totally made me want to go out and buy it. then again, i have been pretty good about getting to the gym lately…maybe i’ll wait a bit…still, i agree that the wii fit wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. it’s a very expensive scale:-) the kids really love the balance games, tho.

    phyllis’s last blog post..Summer? What Summer?