Grilling Goodness – Take 12


1. What’s one of the best things you’ve seen lately? – Today JSL was so happy that he was walking around the house singing "happy, happy, happy"  He loves having all of us home with him. Rude awakening in a week when big brother goes back to school.

2. Has Spring brought you something you don’t like? – Not a fan of insects. The dirt bees are outside and not looking forward to more flying, creeping bugs.

3. What kind of sandwiches do you like? – Very into hummus sandwiches on Arnold’s sandwich things with some Fiber One cereal on top. Don’t judge, it is filling, delicious and healthy for me.

4. Do you carry GermX with you at all times? – No, I honestly think that there are too many antibacterial products on the market. Part of our problem these days is we kill off the normal flora that need to be on us to make us healthy.

5. Does each person in your house have their own hamper or do you have a central hamper for everyone? – We have two hampers – one for the kids and one for us.

6. How often do you balance your checkbook? – Used to be really good with this. I watch the statements carefully, but thanks to having kids I have not been good in about six years now of the paper balancing.

7. What’s the hardest thing you’ve done lately? –  Transforming our kitchen for Passover and making two Seders. It was a challenge with everything else going on. My mind needs to shift soon to making lists of things to do for Disney World.

8. Are you a texter? – No, we do not have a plan with unlimited texting. Hubby and I use Twitter during the day when at home/work. I have done a text or two from time to time. I told people I was in labor via text almost two years ago.


Head over to Golden Goodness to play along!



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