April Fool’s Day remembered

When I was teaching I would always cringe on April Fool’s Day. I never knew what to expect from my older students and was aware that it could be very bad. Of course, there was also the year that we had a full day field trip (6am to 11pm) on April Fool’s Day. Talk about rules before hand. We had to make sure the kids knew that pranks on the bus, at the museum and on the boat tour would not be accepted.

I am not sure why, but I have never really been into pranks for April Fool’s Day. We did not really talked about it when I was in school. It shocked me when my kindergarten kid actually came home referencing it. Every other word out of NHL’s mouth on Wednesday was something about April Fool’s Day. *sigh*   Man they learn young.

My webmaster husband (aka TechyDad) decided it would be fun to do something to our readers. We briefly talked about it Tuesday evening, but never said much after that. Suddenly TechyDad started to Tweet me strange messages on Wednesday. Without going to my blog, I just knew what he had done. JL had switched the templates of our blogs. So if you came here to TheAngelForever it looked like you were at TechyDad, just with my content.

So my question for you:

Did you do anything for April Fool’s Day this year or were you the recipient of anything? If not and you have something fun from the past please share that as well.


BTW – Don’t forget to enter my giveaways for the Exergen Temporal Scanner and DaBib bib of your choice.


Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #42

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  • jaime says:

    in law school we turned one of the classrooms into a crime scene. we rearranged all of the desks in 4 of the classrooms. and we covered one of the professor’s doors with butcher paper, filling the space in between the paper and the door with crumpled up pieces of paper. yup. that’s what we did for fun in NH

    jaime’s last blog post..Counting to 10

  • Jennifer says:

    Not that I can recall. I will need to think.

    Jennifer’s last blog post..Aloha Friday

  • No, I actually forgot it was April Fool’s Day until our secretary prank called a teacher saying the field trip was cancelled.

    Shari @ a Psych Mommy’s last blog post..Aloha Friday

  • Sues2u2 says:

    I kinda forgot although my 1st grader had a blast telling her teacher that the teacher’s daughter was in the doorway when she wasn’t!

    My sis used to teach jr high & she hated April fool’s day as well.

    Sues2u2’s last blog post..Aloha Friday – 3 April

  • Kari A. says:

    Thankfully no. I avoid pranks at all costs.

  • Melissa says:

    My kids tried pranking me all day, they got me a few times.. nothing major though

    Melissa’s last blog post..Aloha Friday # 2

  • No pranks, just work as usual.

    East Coast Wahine’s last blog post..It’s Aloha Friday #9

  • Anne says:

    nope and didn’t even have a joke played on me, although with my hubs I’m surprised he didn’t do something lol

  • RobMonroe says:

    Not me or my family, but my friend Amy was both an initiator:

    and a recipient:

    RobMonroe’s last blog post..Lucky Number Seven

  • I taught my four year old all about April Fool’s and how to play jokes on others. lol

    Kim at The Pacifist Mom’s last blog post..How Is Your Household Saving Money In This Economy? (Aloha Friday)

  • I didn’t do anything this year, but my 7 year old would tell me I had something on my shirt and when I looked she’d yell “April Fools” and then she’d roll over with laughter. She did this probably 30 or 40 times .. it was .. yeah. LOL

  • Sarah says:

    I can’t recall anything. Even when I taugh HS they never did anything. My daughter’s preschool made fake ice cream spills last year. Cute. She really wanted to fool someone with it :)

    Sarah’s last blog post..Aloha Friday – Spring Break

  • Nancy says:

    A few years ago, on a message board where I am an admin and active member, the mods played a joke on the members, staging this whole big fight among us. We “accidentally” made the mod area public, and I pretended to leave the board and start a new one, and when people clicked on the link to the new board, we revealed the prank.

    The reactions were hilarious – some people took days to find out because they at first refused to click on the mod link. Everyone loved the joke though. We got them good!

    Ok this makes me sound like a total geek. ;)

    Nancy’s last blog post..Alex’s writing

  • Brea's Mommy says:

    When I was in highschool my best friend acted like she spit blood up(I can’t remember what she used) in our English class. It totally freaked the teacher out. At that time we all thought it was really funny. Not so much now though

    Brea’s Mommy’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Brea’s 1st trip to the beach!

  • QCMAMA says:

    This year I made my kids “toothpaste oreos” I bought some of the oh so yummy cookies, scraped out the filling, and yeah I did eat some, replaced it with some Colgate and served the kids their “snack” I though it was brilliant. They liked them. Weirdos! lol. I was kindof at a loss as how to top last years “meatloaf Crispy” haha.
    I decided it is a fun day so I think I am going to try to do something every year.
    OH my Karate Kid decided to be extra nice and make his sister breakfast before he went to school. She was not so impressed with the Jelly sandwich that she thought was Peanut Butter. She really really dislikes jelly. He thought it was hilarious. seems I’m going to have to start watching my back a little more as the kids get bigger.

    QCMAMA’s last blog post..KarateKid

  • Teri says:

    I just teased my daughter with silly things like “hey, I like your orange hair! April Fools!!”. We did that off and on all day. My husband told me he spent $1100 on wine and I got appropriately mad until he told me it was a joke! At that point it was early and I had forgotten what day it was!!

    Teri’s last blog post..Aloha Friday #6

  • My kids are almost 4 and almost 5. Hubby was trying to teach them about April FOols. They made me cards that opened the wrong way as a joke. It was very sweet.

    simply anonymom’s last blog post..Aloha Friday

  • Toni says:

    Gosh I can’t remember the last time I did or got april fools.

    Toni’s last blog post..Aloha Friday 4/3/09

  • Tara says:

    Hmm.. no .. if I have celebrated April Fools.. It would have been years ago.. right now nothing comes to mind. I thought about it for a split second..then the next thing I new it was April 2nd lol

  • Jinxy says:

    I don’t like pranks. And lucky for me neither does my hbby.

    Jinxy’s last blog post..Aloha Friday #2

  • Ric says:

    At the firehouse we were fixing a sniper rifle, kids that is, and the Captain walked in, we have a policy no guns in the workplace. One of the guys were holding it so the orange tip was covered. Freaked him out at first….lol

    Ric’s last blog post..A Question for You?

  • Elle says:

    This year was pretty laid back because the kids were sick. Last year I tricked my husband by making the computer look like everything was upside down. I had one of the kids call him in the room saying something was wrong with the computer. He was completely baffled over it. It was pretty funny.

    Elle’s last blog post..Aloha Friday

  • Nina says:

    Nope… not a single thing. I have never been into the pranks and luckily no one pulled any pranks here this year.

    Nina’s last blog post..ALOHA FRIDAY # 26

  • Diane says:

    well, i let my daughter think she fooled me a couple times with a fake snake. other than that and having to deal with my ex, my day was fool-free!

    Diane’s last blog post..Friday Fragments

  • Pegsy says:

    Nothing this year! The best April Fool’s joke I did was to my mom. April 1 was a Sunday. As we walked into church that morning, I said, “Mom, there’s a run in your hose!” She freaked out and was frantically searching for it, when I announced, “April Fool’s!!”

    Pegsy’s last blog post..Aloha Friday #13

  • No I really missed this year. I’m usually the one who does pull the jokes too. My sister in law got me one year. She told me she was pregnant.

    Pamela Kramer’s last blog post..Agoo clothes for active kids!

  • Megan says:

    Nope, I’ve never really been into April Fool’s Day and neither is hubby. And I’m not working right now so no one could do anything to me.

    Megan’s last blog post..Aloha Friday & An Award

  • Lisa C. says:

    lol.. I didn’t this year.. things were too crazy and I forgot…

    Lisa C.’s last blog post..Aloha Friday #28

  • no, sad to say, there were no pranks this year.

    i’m sure that had something to do that my kids are off at college and aren’t in the house any more.

    diana/sunshine’s last blog post..this is how…