A blast from my hockey past

Admit it, there are times that people are shocked to learn something about you. Most people know that I started off in college doing one thing and then switched to follow my dream of teaching. What people may not know is that for several years I had season tickets for our local hockey team.

Yes, I was a huge hockey fan.  Not only did I have season tickets, I had fabulous seats. I sat behind the home team’s bench, just a few rows back on center ice. My seat was so close that I could actually hear the players and coaches on the benches. I would travel around with friends to games that were near and some that were very, very far away. I even went to NHL training camp several times during the fall.

At one point, our team had a hockey jersey auction. I bid on a game worn jersey of my favorite player. I won and wore it for games from that point on. Now that same hockey jersey sits in my closet. I actually took the jersey out the other day and wore it for Purim. Funny thing, it felt amazing. It reminded me of those fun days back when I went to games to escape from the stress of college. Best of all, it was cozy and warm. Perhaps I need to take the jersey and my hubby and boys to a hockey game one day soon.

Guess who?!

So my question this week is:

What is something from your early adult years that someone may be shocked to learn about?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #39

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