Ever changing TOS on Facebook

How would you feel if you were a member of an online service and they changed the TOS (Terms of Service) without notifying you? This is exactly what Facebook pulled once again. We all know the controversy behind their view of photos of nursing mothers, but this will impact even more people.

In the past, when you signed up for Facebook, you basically gave them the rights to use your content. This relationship of sorts ended if you opted to delete your Facebook account, no questions asked. With a sneaky move, Facebook changed their TOS to now state that they can use your content even if you close/delete the account . The worst part, they note that they may even sublicence your content. So basically any blog posts, notes, and most importantly photo rights are lost the minute you put them onto Facebook (at least according to their jargon). If you are still unsure of what the ramifications mean, TechyDad wrote a great post about the latest with a link to an article on The Consumerist.

The fall out from this BIG change in TOS without notifying members was a hot topic on Twitter most of yesterday. Blog writers were scrambling to figure out what it means to them. Many bloggers have their RSS feeds put right into Facebook. So does this mean that Facebook now claims it as their work? Slippery slope if you ask me. Many bloggers were joining groups and writing to Facebook, as well as deleting their content from their pages. The fall out will once again be interesting to watch as Facebook meets the fury of the blogosphere.

What do you think about the latest Facebook controversy? If you are a blogger and use Facebook will you change how you post items there?



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  • Hubby uses facebook. I don’t. But that really stinks!!! It certainly seems to me that facebook has very little respect for its members.

  • That’s a fascinating little tidbit. I had been using the rss feed to post blog posts to facebook for people but I don’t see any reason to do that anymore if they’re going to rip off my content.

  • phyllis says:

    i commented over on techydad too but what i did was definitely remove my rss feed. i don’t have any interesting notes or anything anyway…but some of my status updates are very entertaining:-)

  • Jodi says:

    I’m most concerned about photos. Imagine one of your kid’s photos being used in an ad? Yikes.

  • Audrey says:

    I love Facebook. I’m now a bit concerned about photos. I’m loving visiting the blogs from Bloggy Carnival and actually having time to read and comment on the many blogs out there.