He had a dream

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. It was a dream that many of us feared would never be seen in our lives, no less by our children. How  fitting, that on this Martin Luther King Jr. Day our country is gearing up for a historic inauguration that will take place tomorrow. In 24 hours, all eyes will shift to Washington DC where Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. 

Like many other events in our country’s history, people will likely be asked in years to come where they were during this moment in time.

Do you have any special plans?

Tomorrow NHL has a big day at school for the festivities. The children were all asked to wear red, white and blue. There will be a full school assembly and other activities taking place throughout the day. No doubt he will remember where he was during the time. I will try to watch as much of the television coverage as possible so I can tell JSL all about it when he is older.

Hopefully, everything will go smoothly for all of those in Washington DC  as our country gears up for a monumental change. No matter which political party you belong to, we are all wishing this administration the best of luck in this very difficult world that we live in.



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  • sheila says:

    Awesome post in every single way!

  • Uncle Mikey says:

    I remember 1961 when John F. Kennedy was inaugurated (I was 9 then). Not only was he the youngest president voted into office at age 43 (Teddy Roosevelt “inherited” the job at age 42) but he was the FIRST (and ONLY) Roman Catholic president. Back then a big deal was made about that and how nobody had thought there would ever be a Roman Catholic president. Boy, have times changed! JFK was looked upon as a “breath of fresh air” back then. I know Obama likes his comparisons to Lincoln, but I tend to see more similarities to JFK. Big shoes to feel in either case!