Grilling Goodness – take 2


Here’s this week’s Grilling Goodness questions!

1. Have you ever ridden a horse? .Sure, if you count the horse seen below that JSL is riding:


2. Have you ever run out of gas? No, but I have gotten way too close for comfort when on long trips and waited for another gas station.

3. How many different schools did you attend growing up? 1 elementary school (K-6), 1 middle school (7-8), 1 high school (9-12) and then off to college. Went to first college for 2 1/2 years, left and took a few courses at a community college until I could restart in the fall to become a teacher. I received my undergrad and masters degree at that school.

4. Do you have, and use, a library card? Yes, we use our local library all the time. Growing up I loved going and used to go on outings with my friend there all the time.

5. Hand-wash or dishwasher? Dishwasher – thank goodness!

6. Does your alarm clock beep or play music? Technically the radio goes off, but usually a little boy beats it to the punch!

7. Do you know how to roller skate? It has been way too many years.

8. What would you consider one of your biggest accomplishments? Being married to an amazing man for almost eight years and having two wonderful little boys.

Do not forget to head over to Golden Goodness to participate.


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