Delurking time – 2009

I am a day late and a dollar short.

Time to leave a comment and show some love

Yesterday was Delurking Day 2009. That is the day when bloggers ask those reading to leave a comment to let us know that you are really out there.

Admit it, you probably read my blog and others, but do not always leave a comment. I know I am guilty of this. There are often blog posts that I want to leave a comment on, but something happens and well you know.

One of my goals this year is to be better about leaving comments on the blogs that I read. I am still working on this. As a blogger I know how nice it is to have comments to read after writing a post. Sure, I am not writing for the comments, but it sure makes me smile and feel special to know that people are reading.

So let’s keep this delurking thing going. Leave me a comment telling me something that you like to do when you have a little extra time or leave me a question. I promise to visit your blog and comment in return (if you have one) and will also e-mail you back. As many of you know, I always reply to my e-mail comments.


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