One Big Mama Pizza

Have you ever seen a 30 inch pizza before?

No really, I am being serious. Such a beast really does exist, and not simply on Food Network for an eating challenge. We recently found a new pizza place that is really cute. The people there are very nice and the best part, they make wheat pizza.

My mother called last Friday to see if we wanted to have dinner with her and order a wheat pizza since my father was working late. We said sure and figured we would try an experiment. Since there were five of us eating the pizza, and left overs would be great, we opted to order the Big Mama.

After walking in to pick up the pizza, we wondered if it may have been a rather large mistake (pun intended).

The gentleman had to walk around the counter to hand us the mega box holding this 30 inch pizza. I stood there in horror wondering how we were going to get that into our car. I knew it could not go on JL’s lap in the front, nor on the floor in the middle with the boys. Clearly, the trunk had to work. Problem was it was too big to simply go there. Thank goodness we have a mini-van and were able to collapse the third row. We were able to put the pizza back on that and wedge it into place with the stroller and NHL’s car seat. Here is a visual: 

Big Mama wedged in the car

The pizza finally arrived safely at my parent’s house. Then another drama unfolded thanks to the size of the box. JL had to figure out how to get the box into the kitchen through the door frames. 

JL carrying the sucker in

Once on the table (where it took up the entire space) we could finally look inside the book to view our Big Mama pizza. 

A "little" perspective

Lesson learned from this experience is that in the future we will leave Big Mama slice eating to the restaurant. We will not be taking home another one of these puppies any time soon.



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  • sheila says:

    OH! Yummmmm! That looks fantastically funny! That thing is huuuuge! How did you get it in the house, through a double sliding door? lol. how funny!

  • TechyDad says:

    It barely fit through the door to my in-law’s house. It actually didn’t fit through one of the kitchen doorways. Luckily, the second doorway was a tiny bit wider and allowed it through.