New baking toy (Aloha 19)

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question for this week is inspired by something new we bought for baking:

Do you have a new "toy" that you like to use to cook or bake with? What is it that you like about this item?

May I present you with our new favorite baking item:

These are the BEST!

Since the boys are really into muffins we thought it was finally time to try the silicone baking cups. I was hesitant for the longest time, but thanks to a 50% off coupon at Michaels I figured it was well worth the experiment.

We opted to fill the cups, use cooking spray to help things slide after baking, and put them into a traditional muffin tray to steady them. I was too afraid to put them on a cookie sheet in case they were bumped. I could just see muffin batter all over the kitchen floor.

Ready for the oven

Check out how easy it was to get them out of the muffin cup:

Coming out of their shells

And when they were all finished there was not a lot of mess to clean up. The little cups are dishwasher safe or I just cleaned them in soapy water and they were all set.

All done

We have used the silicone muffin cups at least 3-4 times now and love them. The 24 that we now have were well worth the money and we will only use the paper liners for special occasions when we want to decorate.


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  • Em Dy says:

    I won an electric hand mixer in a cooking workshop I attended but I haven’t used it yet.

  • Cathi says:

    My last new toy was my embroidery sewing machine. My husband bought it for me last March and I am still loving it using it almost daily.

  • mannequin says:

    I don’t have a new toy but I’ve been considering those silicone cups. They’re a little scar to me though.

    I rushed over here after seeing you at Life is Like Champagne. Tell me dear; what IS a Bon Bon cookie? Oh I just HAVE to know!

  • I love anythings silicone! I don’t have those muffin cups, but I have a whole muffin pan that is silicone! Nothing easier, I swear!

    My favorite “new” gadget is an apple peeler, corer, and slicer that’s about 20 years old! My mom loaned it to me, and I have to give it back soon. Maybe I’ll conveniently “forget!”

  • Jennifer says:

    Thanks for sharing:) My mother-in law just gave me some now I will try them:)

  • dee says:

    OH i got a set of those a few months ago and am IN LOVE! they’re so easy!

    I LOVE my crockpot! I also love decorating cookie cakes and stuff! NO i’m not good at it…lol..but its really fun using that little gun thing! I dont have a whole lot of “gadgets”..i guess i need more!

  • Jen says:

    Hmmm.. I can’t think of a new toy, but I am {{in love with}} my trusty crockpot. :)

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  • Sheila says:

    Greaaat. Now I’m hungry! lol. Sweet post…gotta go now and make muffins!

  • sagemom says:

    I don’t cook or bake much so I don’t have much toys. But those muffin cups sure are neat! I never knew such a thing existed!

  • Nancy says:

    Those are cool! I never knew they existed either. I might have get Jon (the baker/chef in our house) some silicone products for Christmas.

    No new toys here and if we did, I wouldn’t be the one using them!

  • I haven’t bought anything new to bake/cook with…BUT, I will say I LOVE my OH-SO-PINK Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer with Ice Cream attachment….there is nothing this thing can’t do — well, ‘cept fold my laundry.

  • Those muffin cups look awesome. I’ve been thinking about getting some myself. One thing I love that isn’t necessarily new is the cookie turner I got last year from Pampered Chef. Smaller than a spatula, perfect for taking cookies off a cookie sheet and always cleans so well!

  • Nina says:

    I avoid the kitchen at all cost. I did get a salad spinner a year ago and love that thing.

  • HeatherY says:

    Those are so neat! I may have to look into them. As for me, I don’t have any neat new gadgets at the moment. I do love my kitchen aid mixer though! Makes baking even more fun!

  • I’ve never tried those but from your pictures they sure look like they work well. :)

  • Those are great and they muffins look YUMMY!

    I am not much of a chef…my favorite kitchen accessory is my husband because he likes to cook. :-D

  • Tim says:

    Well, my new thing for baking isn’t really new, but works very well . . . I got married five years ago. And, though I am sure I have not finished paying for her (or what I put her through), she is fun to have around. :)

  • kailani says:

    I’ve seen those in Michaels and thought of buying them. They look like they work really well!

  • Hmmmm nothing new, but I do love my Kitchenaid and Pampered Chef stones!

  • Tena says:

    no, not really, I am more the one that wants everyone else to bring me the desserts because I can’t bake!

  • Kim says:

    I got some of those on the dollar aisle at Target the other day. I haven’t tried them yet, but am looking forward to not throwing away paper ones the next time I do muffins or cupcakes. Glad to hear you like yours!

  • That looks really delicious. I’ve seen those silicone baking molds at the mall but haven’t purchased one yet. Your post makes me want to buy some for my hubby.

    My hubby likes using the mixer whenever he bakes goodies like cakes, pies and cupcakes.

  • Aren’t those silicone baking cups wonderful? I don’t have any new kitchen toys, but really love my old Pampered chef ones – the original ones made in the USA, They’ve reakky stood the test of time.

  • VeRonda says:

    I can’t think of anything I’ve bought lately, but silicone is the way to go… It makes life soooo much easier.

  • OK, those are THE neatest things! I have got to get some of those!

  • […] and decorating cupcakes. Of course, it is not limited to traditional cupcakes. Since we bought silicone cupcake holders we have been using them to make muffins, mini cakes, and more! Here are some that I made […]