My kindergarten kid

It is official, I am the mom of a kid in kindergarten. I thought I would feel different, but I do not. Eventually it will probably hit me, but for now it just seems like any other day. The best part, my kindergarten kid is happy. He likes school and is excited to go back. What a huge difference a year of maturity from the start of PreK at a different school makes. No less the addition of an amazing teacher who cares.

This morning NHL woke up and was ready to go. He hopped out of bed, got dressed, ate breakfast and grabbed his backpack. When we went outside we took a few quick photos before heading out to take him to school. 

It is my 1st day of kindergarten!

 He was all smiles and so happy to be on his way to school.

All smiles and ready to go

This photo makes me realize that my little boy is growing up. Before my eyes he is changing and turning into a big boy. When did this happen? 

Where did my little guy go?

When we arrived at school the kindergarten kids are assigned to tables in the cafeteria to wait for their teachers to come and get them at about 8:00. When his teacher came into the room NHL’s face lit up. He was eager to get on the line going to his class with the rest of the kids. 

Smiling to make Daddy happy

Outside the classroom the kids arrived to see their names on a display with the theme for the start of the year. "I Think I Can" is being used to inspire the kids to gain confidence and see that they can do things, especially with some practice. 

Theme for the start of the year

NHL quickly went into his room, grabbed his name for the attendance chart, put his backpack in his cubby, and took his place on the rug. 

Ready for rug time

Daddy was quite impressed with the beautiful new classroom. It is really large and has amazing items in it. Here are a few photos that he took. 

Front of the room

 Computer area

Arts and imagination area

Then the teacher nicely said goodbye to the parents that were in the back and reminded us of where to pick up the kids at the end of the day. 

Teacher reassuring parents

No tears were shed by anyone. . . except one little 15 month old. JSL was quite upset that his big brother (his entertainment system) was not coming home with us. He chanted for him the entire way home. Nap time was off since he was lonely. Mommy never shed a tear. I think this was anti-climatic after the things that happened at the start of last year. That was rough and hard to handle. I just wish I had stopped the craziness earlier and listened to my child. *sigh*  I guess you live and learn.

At 2:30 when NHL came out of school he said he had a great day and was excited to go back tomorrow. Of course he was also quite anxious to go home since he needed to use the bathroom. He apparently did not have to go all day and held it in from 7:30 to 2:30 . . . he has the making of a teacher bladder like mommy (pre-kids) already!

We hope that this is just the beginning of many wonderful days ahead this year.


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  • Peggy says:

    How sweet! I remember my son’s 1st day of K. Good job keeping it together:) I see you have a 15 mnth old. I have a couple of them too. What a fun age!!

  • How exciting! I’m glad everything went well!

  • Susan says:

    Mom he looks so happy! Yeah!

  • Teresa says:

    Wow! My daughter is one year away from kindergarten and I know that I am not ready for school to start! We sent her to preschool last year and she was so excited to head off to school and see her teacher every day!

    What a blessing to have the assurance that your son is cared for by a great teacher all day long!

  • The kindergarten room looks wonderful! I’m so glad to hear he liked his first day of school and is excited to go back for more. May it continue. :)

  • I am glad to hear NHL had a great day! Yeah!!

    You can see the maturity in him, and how excited and happy he was to be at school.

    It was the same way here, when Katelyn went to K. Lindsay really missed her, (me too, I actually did shed a tear for her to go, the other two just took off and didn’t look back), it was different with Katelyn.
    I don’t know how I will feel when Lindsay goes to Pre-K next year.

  • Glad the beginning is going so well. Sounds like a good situation and will hopefully just get better.

  • Mama Zen says:

    You totally got me laughing with “teacher bladder!”

    Glad the first day went well!

  • Jenni says:

    Oh! Look at those big smiles! I am so glad he had a great day at school!

  • Kim says:

    I’m so glad he had a great first day! I know you are as well. It’s a great start to the year!

  • Damselfly says:

    Now I want to go back to kindergarten!

  • Renee says:

    He started school this morning, and he seemed so very small
    As I waited here beside him in the kindergarten hall.
    And as he took his place beside the others in his class,
    I realized how too soon those first few years can pass.

    Remembering that I saw him as he first began to walk,
    The words that we sounded out when he began to talk.
    This little boy is much absorbed in learning how to write
    It seems that he must have grown into boyhood overnight!

    My eyes were blurred, but hastily I brushed the tears away,
    Lest by some word or sign of mine I mar this big first day.
    Oh, how I longed to stay with him and hold him by the hand,
    To lead him through the places that he may not understand.

    And something closely kin to fear was mingled with my pride.
    I knew he’d no longer be the baby at my side.
    But he must have a chance to live, to work his problems out,
    The privilege to grow and learn what life is all about.
    And I must share my little boy with friends at home, at work and play.
    He’s not a baby anymore, NHL started school today.

  • […] outfit looks vaguely familiar. It really made me wonder why. Since I blogged when NHL started kindergarten, I went back to that post. This is the reason […]

  • […] up, was getting NHL ready for school. PreK and kindergarten came quickly and required school adjustments along the way. Of course, he also started going to […]