My literal little guy

Thursday after JL arrived home from work we ate a quick dinner, I finished packing and we loaded up the car. The four of us were on an adventure to visit JL’s parents for a long weekend. We had a very nice visit and did several fun things while there, all that I will share later. Right now I need to catch up on some "stuff" here and edit photos. However, I wanted to share a funny NHL moment.

Saturday morning while eating breakfast my mother-in-law asked NHL if he wanted some milk to drink. He replied that he would like some. She brought a glass over and the following conversation took place:

Bubbe (while getting ready to pour the milk) – "Say when"

NHL – "Right now!"


Laughter quickly broke out from JL, my mother-in-law and I. We immediately quipped that he was just like his daddy, so literal! I can only imagine what will happen when he goes to kindergarten in the fall.


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