Wordless Wednesday – Houston he has allergies!

Nurse talks with NHL while waiting for results

 Passing the time by coloring

 The results are in - he has allergies



Quick Note: This was done this morning. More information to come later.

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  • OH NO!
    Darling boy! I know my three kids all have sensitive skin . . it’s not fun!
    What a WW!

  • Brony says:

    We have to take Doodles in for some allergy tests soon. Better to know though.

  • jamie says:

    that’s tough to go thru for a kiddo! I’ve had multiple scratch tests in my life and it never gets easier…I usually laugh to not think about it :) Good luck to your little man!

  • Shawna says:

    I agree with Brony–it is better to know. Now you won’t be tearing your hair out every time he has a reaction, and it’s possible he could outgrow them. Although I had dust allergies as a kid and my parents had to take away all of my stuffed animals and clean my room every day–I think I would have rather NOT known and kept my stuffed animals!