Is it Hanukkah or Chanukah or . . .

Tonight is the 8th and final night of Chanukah. How fitting it was when I was looking at my Google Reader and saw a post  all about how to spell the Festival of Lights. On the GoodyBlog today there was a post called "How Do You Spell Channukkahh?" – all about this dilemma.

Growing up I always spelling it Hanukkah. This was probably because most of the items you could purchase for the holiday spelled it that way. Then I met and married JL. He had a strong preference for Chanukah. . . so I not only agreed to have a Kosher kitchen for him, but also switched my spelling of the holiday too (just kidding). Do I really care – no not really. In fact I think more non-Jewish people are worried about the spelling than those of  us that celebrate the Festival of Lights.

In additon to posting other website references about the spelling of Hanukkah/Chanukah, the GoodyBlog also had the following You Tube video. Since I thought it was cute I am also going to share it with everyone.

Enjoy and Happy last night of Chanukah to all of my Jewish friends!

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