Off schedule kiddies = cranky boys

Yesterday we arrived at my brother’s at about 7:30 or so. By the time my parents arrived an hour later and everyone met my new niece it was VERY late. NHL was SO overtired he couldn’t settle. He was sleeping in a room with my parents and they were all still up close to midnight.

Fast forward to way to early this morning when he was back up and roaring to go. Then add no nap today to the mix and a very late night at temple for cousin S’s baby naming. Talk about way too tired to know what to do with yourself.  The tired little guy is conked out with barely any fight at all.

Poor little JSL is a mess from his schedule being WAY off. He’s teething again and is coughing from too much saliva. He sounds like he is getting a cold, but I don’t think it is that. Now we just need to get his over tired baby self to sleep.

On that note I am off to try to get someone to sleep.

C’est Moi

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