Happy Thanksgiving!

Where have the days of sleeping late on Thanksgiving gone?

Never mind, they are long gone. I believe the last one was 5 years ago before we conceived NHL. Oh well, the boys are well worth the lack of sleep. Unless I am just saying that thanks to sleep deprivation ;)

Since we are all still in PJ’s here, there are no new photos to share. Instead I wanted to bring back some old memories of NHL’s first Thanksgiving. (photos of JSL’s first to follow soon – his outfit is currently in an emergency wash – Ooops!)

For NHL’s first Turkey Day we went to JL’s sister’s. Here are some photos of the day. Just remember NHL was only 3 months old (JSL is 6 months old today).

Here he is sitting on Grandpa’s lap:

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I think he had a little too much turkey milk: 

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Cousin Sandy watches over sleeping NHL:

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All ready for bed after an exciting day with family: 

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Again may you and your families have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving today and for years to come!


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