Happy school days

NHL had a BIG day at school. In addition to being the day after the Wiggles, there were a lot of special things at school today. Wednesday is normally Gym day. In addition to this, they also started swim lessons. Yes, they have a pool where he goes to school and they get lessons for 6 weeks now and again later on. Then today was also the first show-and-tell. They started the letter A this week, so they had to bring in something for A.

Last night after the Wiggles we gathered all of the things together for swimming and then sat to figure out an A item. We finally figured it out. A is for Anthony Wiggle! We made a little paper of pictures of Anthony from the concert last night. He was so thrilled to share with everyone today.

When I picked NHL up today he was SO happy. He LOVED swimming and kept chattering all about what he had done today. Man what a difference a school makes! It is so nice to pick him up and get a great report. Tomorrow I need to talk to Miss S to see how he was in the pool. I am really toying with signing him up for more swim lessons in addition to what they have with school.

I am off to sleep now. Long day with a 5 month old that would not settle all day and 4 year old that was still sleepy from last night and everything today. Tomorrow I hope to finish cropping the Wiggle photos and get them blogged.

C’est Moi

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  • Shawna says:

    How nice that NHL’s school offers swimming. I wish mine would have–maybe I wouldn’t be afraid of any body of water larger than a bathtub!

  • Sandra says:

    I was just thinking today while driving to work that I needed to ask you about school and how things were going. I was going on the no news is good news rule. I am glad I was right! So great to see your child love school isn’t it?

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Shawna: Yes, it is a wonderful thing. This new school is situated in a community center that has a huge indoor pool (no less several outdoor pools for the warmer weather). I actually went to nursery school there years ago when it was smaller. One of my teachers is still there celebrating her 29th year at the school.

    C’est Moi

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Sandra: Thanks for thinking about us. We all love the new school after almost two weeks. It’s amazing how different and perfect it seems to be for NHL. The only thing that has not worked is the bus. I called them today about the paper work. They said they finally had it (a bus company hired by the county – not the school) and they would pick NHL up at 7:00 for 8:00 start at school. NO WAY! Legally they can do that, but it’s stupid and we’ll suck it up and take him – poor JSL is just going to have to learn to cope with cold.

    And yes, it is absolutely wonderful to see your child love school.

    C’est Moi