Extreme Blog Makeover

Switching from LiveJournal to my own nifty new TheAngelForever blog space has been a wonderful experience.  This truly is my home away from home. However, like my house my blog could certainly use some cosmetic work. Oh Extreme Home Makeover Team – I too could use your help, but that’s another story entirely. *sigh*

My husband, total techno geek, has helped me to set up WordPress plugins and other fun stuff that I liked to make my blog world colorful, but still something was missing. He quickly designed a new banner with my boys on it, but it still doesn’t seem like home (the rainbow was just a quick fix).

As a new SAHM I am desperately trying to find out who I am. Am I mommy, wife, former teacher . . . who am I? I am TheAngelForever — C’est Moi, but how would I show this on my blog. My banner must do this. It must show who I really am. After all TheAngelForever is the name I used when I meet my hubby all those years ago. TheAngelForever was the name I used when I had hockey season tickets, it was the name I had when I was in college, when I got married, when I got my first teaching job, and when I had my boys. When I made my blog I could have changed the name, but I was attached to this identity.

So to help me to find myself I NEED an EXTREME blog makeover. I would be so greatful if I was selected by the contest to have said makeover for my own space in blogging world.

C’est Moi

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  • Carrie says:

    Hey, thanks for coming over to my site and signing up for the contest! I hope you win!

    BTW, I am loving that adorable photo in your title bar. You have some cute kiddos there!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Carrie: Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a great contest going. If I don’t win I may just have to get some of those personalized items for my boys and some Chanukah gifts for my nephews and niece this year. Kudos on your first contest and best wishes on #3. I think your little one will be due right around the time my youngest turns one. Best wishes :)

    C’est Moi

  • […] By TheAngelForever | June 22, 2012 Tweet Several weeks ago, TechyDad noticed on my WordPress admin page that I was closing in on post number 2000. He actually noted that it would fall on a Friday, so I knew it would show up for an Aloha Friday topic. In February 2007, I started The Angel Forever as a Live Journal blog which eventually moved to a self hosted domain with the same name in October 2007. […]