Google sued for crimes against humanity

Frivolous lawsuit – ya think?!    Oh just wait until you read the ridiculous details of this. It’s unreal what we allow to tie up the courts in this country. This was filed September 18.

Here’s the full article. Now some quotes about it:

If you think you’ve seen bizarre lawsuits before, check this one out. Pennsylvania resident Dylan Stephen Jayne is suing Google for crimes against humanity and is asking the court for $5 billion in damages. The charge: his social security number, when turned upside down and scrambled spells Google.

A copy of the complaint is below. And even though it is handwritten, it’s a real lawsuit. The original can be found at Justia here.  

Dylan lodged eight filings with the court, including an accusation that the Philadelphia 76ers play a key role in the code to unscramble his social security number to spell Google.

I don’t think Google will have a lot to worry about with this case, but it does make you wonder why mental health services aren’t more readily available in the United States.

Read this PDF file (page 18) where he shows how his Social Security number was stolen by the Philadelphia 76ers and Google. It’s too sad really. In addition to this note the elementary handwriting and horrid spelling errors.

*shaking head*

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  • Sandra says:

    Well, he DOES have an Access card, which is a PA state funded medical assistant program so I am *thinking* he not only HAS mental issues but is also involved in some sort of treatment!
    I sure wish I could come up with an insane way to try to make bank! Gesh!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Sandra: I kind of figured that something wasn’t all right with the man. I mean it isn’t “normal” to be so creative and really file a case like this. Hopefully he can get some assistance to ease his mind of whatever is making him so paranoid about the world around him.

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