And so it begins

Our first of many school years with the boys in school. This morning was NHL’s first day of school – PreK here he comes!

He actually slept all night and nearly flew out of bed when I told him it was school today. He got dressed, barely ate breakfast and was ready to go quickly. Last night I had his outfit all ready for the morning for easy dressing, made his lunch with his help this morning, and we were ready to head out the door at 7:45.

Now please sit down. . . I am about to say something VERY shocking. Really, I mean it. . . especially if you know my husband.

Here it goes:

JL forgot to take the camera out the door.!     *GASP*   I fear he may be getting ill.

He thought that I was grabbing it. Uh, no I had JSL’s bag and my purse. His camera, his item to grab off the couch where he put it. So no photos at school, but JL did manage to get some shots of NHL before he left. Here they are:

 NHL's 1st Day of School

Back pack and lunch box all set

Hopefully he has a lot of fun meeting new friends and does well. I will update later.  I still can’t believe my baby is 4 and started school today.  I’m still trying to grasp the fact that I am not going back to school this year, it feels so odd.

C’est Moi

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