4 Year old fashion show

Ugh! what a pain it is to buy and try on clothes with a 4 year old boy. Grrr! They just do not appreciate the great art of a fashion show and fight with every inch of their life about trying on each and every piece of clothing.

Unfortunately, when the darn child insists on growing this task is a must, especially with school commencing in 2 days. Saturday night we went to temple for a memorial for Uncle M’s father. I went to get clothing just before leaving for NHL (shorts and a t-shirt just didn’t cut it). To my surprise all of his nice long style pants were too short, except for his sweats and other non-temple style clothing. I managed to find a pair that just worked, but noted to JL that we would have to go shopping Sunday for items.

So Sunday morning JSL and I took long morning naps. The exhaustion caught up with me, and JSL did not really nap on Saturday. After eating lunch we packed up on our adventure. We went to JC Penneys to exchange some pants. I quickly found two pairs of jeans and two pairs of cordoroy pants in the size smaller (got ones that were too long the other day – room to grow is one thing, but this was crazy). Then JL and NHL looked around a little longer. Next NHL requested to head to Kohls to look around. We now know that we are not thrilled with thir clothing for NHL’s size. The toddler department only goes to 4T (not 5T like JCP). In addition to this the things just weren’t as nice. So we’ll likely stick with JCP and the Okie Dokie line as well as the Arizona one in the larger sizes. We did end up getting one Spider-Man shirt at Kohls since he really fell in love it with.

Then it was onto Target to look for sweat pants. No luck on that, but we did find 5 additional long sleeve shirts for NHL. The odd thing is he enjoyed trying things on while there. So maybe the trick is doing a fashion show in the store and not at home. We also toyed with getting JSL a Halloween costume, but opted not to since we have no clue what size. Next we went out to dinner and back to my parents house to pick up things we left there yesterday from the Farmers Market.

This morning it was time for NHL to do another fashion show with a few additional items that we had bought or been given. It did not go well. He got very angry and hit daddy. So a time out followed. Luckily we have enough things for now and will only need to pick up the much needed sweats once they show up at Target. Everything new is in the wash so we can be all set for Wednesday when the big boy starts school. *sigh*  

 C'est Moi C’est Moi

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