Update on LabCorp Incident

Monday morning at 8:00 I was on the phone trying to track down someone to talk to at LabCorp to discuss our traumatizing experience there Saturday morning. As I had previously blogged I was very upset and HAD to report this to someone so no other child or adult had this type of experience.

So I quickly told NHL what I was doing. I explained to my just 4 year old child that I needed him to be very quiet while I went on the phone. He of course asked me why. I told him I was calling someone to tell them about what happened the other day when he had blood drawn. He said to me “The lady was bad Mommy!” I told him he was right and because of that I had to make the call so no other person gets hurt by her.

I called the 800 number that I found on the website. The woman gave me the name of the supervisor locally, along with her number and then connected me to the woman. I told the woman that I felt it was my duty to contact her about the horrible experience I had there this weekend.I also mentioned that I had gone there numerous times through the years and never had a problem.

The woman listened and you could hear her jaw hit the floor from time to time. I have her THING’s name and she said it was odd that she didn’t do well with children since the location she normally works at has a large number of pediatric patients. While listening she would break in a few times to ask me questions about the other employees. She was mortified to hear that NONE of the other people stepped in to assist until after NHL had been screaming for well over 20 minutes. Over and over I told the woman that I know my child was horrible with the screaming, but it doesn’t excuse the unprofessional behavior of THING or many other workers there. She also was upset that it took THING likely overhearing from me or one of the other people that I was ticked and complaining (getting her name) to change her attitude. She said too little too later. Her words not mine. The woman was nice and told me it was normal behavior that NHL had and they know how to work with kids and she also agreed she should have backed away if she wasn’t comfortable with it.

One other thing that I mentioned to the woman was that LabCorp is definitely not the only outpatient laboratory facility. That we have a lot of options in this area and almost all of the insurance companies allow patients to choose. She concurred and told me that she is well aware of the importance of customer service.

So we shall see if she follows up with me. She was extremely nice and told me that THING will definitely be hearing about this and have consequences.

One other piece of information that my mother told me later. Many of the people that work at LabCorp on the weekend are NOT full time LabCorp employees. Many of them work at other hospitals in the area and pick up extra money by working there on weekend. My parents found this out when they met someone they knew from where mom works working at LapCorp when Dad has his blood drawn there a few weekends ago.

C’est Moi

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