Swaparooni arrived at CityStream’s today!!!

Last week I sent out my Swaparooni package to C (aka CityStreams) and she got it today. Since she read my blog I wasn’t able to post about all of the stuff before. Here’s a photo of all of the things that were included in my package:

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Included were:
– Infantino baby toy. JSL helped me to pick this out. We had bought him one similar to it and he loved it. C is expecting her first, a baby girl in September.

– A bath poof in blue to pamper herself with. Enjoy longer showers now before the baby gets here C!

– A 10 color pen for correcting. These were my favorite when I was in school and I had one when I was student teaching as well. Red ink just gets boring after a while.

– Earrings from an artist on Etsy. Here’s a close up
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They were from Candy’s ArtDesigns. Her store can be located at: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5070992

– A blue and brown folder. C said she may use it for her long term maternity leave substitute plans ;)

– M&M Note cards. I know she didn’t like logos, but this was a chocolate note card and she likes chocolate. NHL wouldn’t let me put them back when I found them. In fact he made me get him a Blue M&M note pad.

– 4 things of Blue and Brown ribbon. Again NHL was with me when I went hunting for these. He was too funny screaming in stores when he found something that was blue or brown. I can’t wait to hear what C does with these.

– Chocolates for C. I went and looked for chocolate that had brown and blue packaging. I was able to find Snickers, Hershey bars and Sno-Caps. Little did I know that Sno-Caps were C’s favorite!

– Last but not least something for C’s hubby. He likes Dove milk chocolate. These were perfect since the packaging is blue and brown!

Phew! I’m just glad it arrived and got there in one piece.

C’est Moi
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  • anonymous says:

    I love EVERYTHING you sent :o) You and Noah did a fabulous job picking things out. I’ll be sure to include a special thank you note for him when I send your package later this week. Hope you’re not suffocating from the heat like we are today. Yesterday it got up to 102 degrees!!!