Rolling down the bed hills!

The subject is yet another song that JL and I made up last night. You sing it to the tune of “Rolling Down the Sand hills” by The Wiggles. It was in reference to NHL rolling all over his bed at night lately. Here is proof that he is doing it. These photos were taken within a 2-3 hour span of time.

Here’s the first capture. JL went in there since I heard him hit the wall. We had never seen this new spot before. Comfy – NOT!

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Later on I found him down a little in a slightly more comfortable pose:
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He seemed to want to adapt to “Rolling up the bed hill” for this one:
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You just never know where you will find NHL lately. Mind you his little brother is doing similar tricks already in his Pack N’ Play.

And the kicker this morning he let us know he was awake by squeaking his buddy that makes noise so we could check on him.

C’est Moi
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