I’m not old!

Last night JL was changing JSL’s diaper, so I took NHL to the bathroom before bed. We were chatting along the way. Here’s our conversation:

Me: “Wow, NHL you are going to be 4 tomorrow, you are SO old!”

NHL: “No, Mommy I’m not old, I’ll be old when I’m 20.”   (He was very matter of fact)

Me: “So 20 is old is it?”

NHL: “Yes, 20 is old and 21 older.”

Me: “You’re right NHL. Wow, if 20 is old then how old is daddy?”

NHL: “He’s VERY old. He’s thirty!”   

(Me trying not to laugh hysterically at the way he said it)

Me: “NHL he’s actually 32 now, what do you think of that?”

NHL: “Very old!”

At about this time JL comes with JSL and sees us laughing in the bathroom – kind of a strange sight .. . -er well in other households maybe. 

It goes to show once again that kids say the darndest things!

C’est Moi

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