Etsy – A cool website

I blame my friend  L for my newest online fun place . . . . Etsy. It’s neat to look around for things and help support people that are crafty. Since my hair is too short to put in a ponytail (Locks of Love donation) JL told me
I could get a headband or two. I went to Etsy and found a great shop with amazing things by Sugar Chic Baby. Today I finally picked out two headbands and ordered them. . . I can’t wait to get them and try them out. I will post photos when they come. 

So, if  you are looking for a neat place to buy things from and are looking to get away from eBay please try out Etsy. 

C’est Moi

PS –> One of the headbands is brown and blue too. . . guess I’m gearing up for the Swaparooni!

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