End of week in review

What a week it has been.

Wednesday morning I had an appointment with my boss to talk with her. The tough decision was finally decided on and I had to go in. I went in to resign and become a SAHM. As I had previously posted it just didn’t pay. We talked with JL’s uncle (our accountant) and when all was said and done I would have taken home less then $3500 a year after taxes and child care expenses. . . major slave waves! I will miss my co-workers a lot and hope to see them often.

I was pleasantly surprised with how nice the principal and VP were. They were shocked, but very happy for me and the family. They thought it was great that I could do it, but admitted they selfishly wished I was still there. In the end the principal hugged me as I was leaving to take JSL home to eat. The kicker – another person left there on Monday – YIKES!

Wednesday afternoon I went to the OB’s office to try to close out the post-partum visits. This was a post-op check up (from the D&C) and also to redo the papsmear that didn’t work. I saw the NP that I saw most of my pregnancy. She said everything looked good and she said how much better I looked than last time she saw me. I asked her about the double-lobed placenta. She wasn’t sure and wanted to bring in the doctor, but it was the one that delivered JSL and ignored me when I said something was wrong twice when I called after his birth. I explained why I was declining and she understood. Here’s the odd part. When we went out to the desk and the NP told the doctor to look at the baby and see how big he was – she wouldn’t look up at us at all. Hmmmmm. . . makes me think the other doctor may have said something to her.

Thursday JSL was still not doing so hot after the shots from Tuesday. We stayed in and he barely nursed all day. He just wanted to sleep close to me.

Friday we went out to have lunch with H at her house. We stayed there and JSL must have decided to make up for lack of nursing the day before. I had my boob out there more than ever. Poodle was so in love with JSL. She kept licking him and watching over him while he was nursing. She got so upset when he cried. It was a sad day since H is going back to work now and won’t be off this summer.

I will post in a few about the weekend and sick NHL in a few. *sigh*

C’est Moi
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