Crazy contraction night!

What a night! When the boys got home yesterday evening I wasn’t feeling too hot. I went to meet them outside and was talking to our neighbor. While out there I started to feel crampy and really heavy, but didn’t think much of it. After we had dinner we went to drop some things off in my classroom. By the time we got home I was feeling the constant cramping very low. At that point it definitely was not something to stop me in my tracks, but made me uncomfortable.

NHL went to bed late last night and at that point I started really feeling things. I was actually able to time contractions (something I never did when I was pregnant with NHL). They started out at 20 or so minutes apart and then were down to 8-10 minutes apart. Poor JL was freaked out a bit and was ready to call the doctor. I reminded him that that wasn’t regular enough to call and I had to wait to see what happened. I finally was able to move a little and things eased up some. At that point I was just so exhausted my goal was to make it into bed and rest for a little while before a possible trip to the hospital.

Here I sit this morning with no baby in my arms, so it was simply my body really warming up. I guess this kid is just going to arrive at his own schedule (stubborn little monkey). Tomorrow I head to the OB and was told Monday by another one of the doctors in the practice (when I called in tears) that at that point they would talk induction since I’ll be 39 weeks. She told me to tell the doctor I see that we had already started to talk about it. Of course she was hopeful that my body may just do it on its own. She tried to keep me calm about my c-section fear from the baby’s size, but it’s still there in the back of my head. I’m also sick of the antibiotic therapy from my thigh and just can’t make myself take this garbage too much longer. *sigh*

On that note I am off to rest since it could be a very interesting day.

C’est Moi
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