Another holiday storm!

Okay Mr. Groundhog. . . you best go and hide. I think a lot of people in the northeast are quite upset with you. Here it is days before spring and we have another storm that dumps 15+ inches of snow on our area. WTH?!?! The sad part is on Wednesday it was almost 70 degrees here and the snow from Valentine’s Day was nearly gone. Now we have to start all over again. I joked with JL and asked him if groundhog is kosher!

Yes, so St. Patrick’s Day now has a snow storm for 2007. In our area the airport officially measured in with 15 inches, but I think we had a little more here. Poor JL busted his rear digging us out. At least this time the roads were plowed, but man what a mess that was. Below are some photos from today.

Our paper outside this morning:

The cars buried in snow:

JL’s attempt to dig out where the plows kept coming by:

NHL playing in his sled:

Now it will be fun to see what holiday the next storm comes for this winter season . . . mind you by then it will technically be spring.

C’est Moi

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  • kmelion says:

    We had snow here in Israel on Thirsday.. nothing like what you guys had, but still… nearly Passover and there’s SNOW!

    BTW, I friended you. I’m Devo on the May2007 yahoo group.