Who needs sleep? . . . . I do!

I so need sleep and can’t seem to get any right now (it’s 3:30 in the morning). Last night I went to bed early since I was having such difficulty breathing thanks to a baby inside crushing my lungs. He also found my ribs and wouldn’t stop kicking there. When I was taking a shower I literally had the wind knocked out of me and started seeing stars. JL had to come running since I wasn’t too sure about moving on my own.

NHL woke up at 2:45 (about an hour ago) screaming that he had to go potty. He went a little in his pull-up, did the rest in the potty and then was screaming. He was so tired he melted back to sleep in our bed. Now I’m sitting here unable to sleep thanks to two snoring monsters in my bed. The little one is particularly bad today! So many more schools are closed again for the day Thursday, but no main districts in this immediate neck of the woods, just colleges now. I have a feeling most will close by 5:30. We are plowed in BIG time. I don’t have a clue how JL is going to get us out IF we have to move today. It should be interesting to see what happens.

On that note I best be off to try to sleep again at least for another hour or so before I watch school closings again. Hopefully the little one inside will settle back down, he’s got the hiccups really badly AGAIN — just like his big brother did!

C’est moi
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