Results are in . . . sort of.

Here’s an update on my 3 hour glucose test from yesterday.

The nurse in the morning said she would call me back when she had the results (this was at 9:40). At 2:30 this afternoon I had no call back and was angry about it. I asked JL to call the office to see what he could find out. With going back to school Monday I need to know if I have to get an appointment with a specialist or not. The nurse immediately took his call. She told him that she didn’t call since she needed one of the doctors to go over the results since values were high. She said they would get back to me Monday. I went crazy and insisted to know more. I wanted my numbers. So DH was sweet after listening to me rant and called them back.

Not long after this the nurse called me back. She said she was sorry about the communication mess up. Apparently she told JL something wrong. I didn’t technically fail the test. Only one of my values was elevated above the cut off (the 2 hour mark – and the numbers were fishy), but she needs a doctor to weigh in on what they want to do.

I told her that I vaguely recall that it was the 2 hour mark last time that I didn’t make it by and said they may want to look at those past results to see. She said they would call me Monday and let me know what the plan of action is with the doctors.

As I told her I’m going to be even more careful than I have been with my diet. I do eat more carbohydrates than I should (since they don’t make me sick), but I don’t eat straight sugar after fasting like that. If I have a bagel it’s a whole grain one and I put low sugar PB on it for protein most times. In addition to this we always do whole grain pasta with LOTS of veggies, and high fiber whole grain breads. Since my mother is diabetic (and so is JL’s) we are very careful.

On that note I am off to try to relax and take care of NHL who apparently now thinks that you need to get sick when people come here from Buffalo and not just when we go to Buffalo. His temperature is rising and was 100.6 just now. . . so I gave him motrin and will see what happens.

C’est Moi
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