Time for UBP 2013

It is that time of year again. Time to introduce yourself, hop around to new blogs, and make some great new friends. Yes, it is…

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

The Ultimate Blog Party is so much fun each year. It allows those that are part of the blogging community to get to know more people. So pull up a chair, have some of this cake, and let me share a little bit about myself.

Tie-Dye Cheesecake for the Party

My name is Beth and I am TechyDad’s wife, mother of two boys, educator, Disney enthusiast, long time knitter, new crocheter, tech geek, and freelance writer/blogger. I started blogging in 2007 when I was expecting my youngest son, who will turn 6 in just over a month (*GULP*). The Angel Forever is a combination of items in my life. I feature books on Tuesday Tales each week, share my Disney love every Wednesday (and sometimes more), write about out travels, and toss in items about life in general. Recently, I also started to share our journey into the world of autism advocacy. Yes, my son is an Aspie and I poured my heart out into a post about my wishes as a mother.

Ready for Purim

Life is never dull over here in The Angel Forever and I would not change a thing most days (being honest). Thanks to blogging, I have come out of my shell, learned a lot, and figured out more about the person I am and want to be.

TechyDad and TheAngelForever

Are you participating in the Ultimate Blog Party? If you are, please let me know your post link and I will be sure to stop by. If not, why not join the fun? Take some time to look around and enjoy. I look forward to the fun over the next week and beyond!

FYI, you can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

It's Me

Previous post about The Ultimate Blog Party:

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